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10 Reasons to Hire an Affiliate Content Marketing Agency

An affiliate content marketing agency can produce quality results while giving you time to focus on product development. Hiring talent from the right agency can boost your affiliate content marketing efforts. Ultimately, you can stand out from your competition with a more refined content marketing strategy.

What Is an Affiliate Content Marketing Agency?

An affiliate content marketing agency comprises experts who can head your content marketing efforts. To understand what an affiliate content marketing agency does, we must first define affiliate content marketing.

What Is Affiliate Content Marketing?

Affiliate content marketing strategically uses creative and informative material to promote your company’s core product or service. For example, you can produce podcasts or blog posts to increase brand awareness, eventually creating quality leads.

Affiliate content marketing aims to capture the attention of people who stumble upon your content. This content is designed to lead these curious people to your website. Eventually, every affiliate content marketer hopes to transform these leads into paying clients.

So, What Does an Affiliate Content Marketing Agency Do?

An affiliate content marketing agency helps create quality content for your brand. A good agency will also help you distribute this content to the right audiences. Finally, an agency enables you to evaluate the success of your content marketing strategy and adjust your plan.

1. Strategy

A good affiliate content marketing agency will first meet with you to understand your business goals. Without this, they can’t pinpoint exactly what you need help with. Once they know your goals, they formulate a content marketing strategy to help you meet them.

2. Content Creation

The experts at an affiliate content marketing agency also create different types of content that align with your content marketing strategy. They’ll develop a content calendar to organize the distribution of this content. That way, everyone on their team knows exactly when each piece of content is supposed to go out. In the off-peak months, you can distribute affiliate content without paying the agency.

3. Content Distribution

Content distribution is one of the things an affiliate content marketing agency is good at. To do this well, they identify where your audience hangs out and target those platforms in their distribution strategy.

4. Evaluation and Restrategizing

Once your content is out there, it’s essential to evaluate the outcomes of this content. How effective was your affiliate content marketing? Did you meet your business goals? What needs to be tweaked in the future?

Content marketing agency content creation cycle

Why Should You Invest So Much in Your Affiliate Content Marketing?

Affiliate content marketing might seem like a lot of work with little return on investment. On the contrary, research by Demand Metric shows that content marketing costs 62% less than traditional advertising. What’s more, it generates 3X as many leads as traditional advertising.

Content marketing requires more time, effort, and patience than traditional marketing. However, the results are far more significant. For this reason, investing both time and money in affiliate content marketing is worthwhile.

Affiliate content marketing will help your brand in a few ways:

1. Build Relationships With Your Clients

Rather than bombarding your target audience with annoying advertisements, good content marketing strives to determine what your audience needs first. Once this is done, you can create content that addresses those needs.

By giving your audience what they need, you create genuine trust-based relationships. Over time, these people start to see you as an expert in your niche and rely on you to educate them. Furthermore, people who trust your brand will likely become paying customers.

2. Boost Organic Traffic

Good affiliate content marketing boosts your SEO. An impressive SEO score, in turn, means that your content will rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When your content features in relevant search results, people are likelier to check out your website and learn more about your brand.

Higher organic traffic could lead to higher quality leads. This is because people who find you by searching for a solution to a problem are usually interested in hearing about how your particular solution can help.

3. Build Brand Awareness

You can boost your brand awareness if you nail your affiliate content marketing strategy. The better your content is, the further it will travel (through social media shares and word-of-mouth advertising). As your content travels further, it promotes your brand and helps establish a presence in your industry.

4. Remain Top of Mind

Good affiliate content marketing helps you remain at the top of potential consumers’ minds long after seeing your content. This means your audience will keep thinking of you and considering your products or services after seeing your content.

When someone is already thinking of you, it’s usually easier to convince them to buy from you.

5. Develop a Distinct and Memorable Brand Identity

Affiliate content marketing is also designed to build a specific brand identity that people recognize. The elements of a good content marketing strategy should work together to make a unique but cohesive personality for your brand.

If your clients can confidently explain who your brand is and what it does, then you know you’re doing something right. Good content marketing helps build a brand that they feel they know well. Moreover, clients who can talk about you confidently are your best brand ambassadors.

6. Ensure Higher Conversion Rates

Good content marketing should generate high-quality leads and convert a high percentage of them into customers. By turning more leads into paying customers, content marketing boosts sales and supports the bottom line.

7. Appeal to a Broader Audience

People love to share good content with family and friends. When you find something entertaining or educational, you will likely forward it to someone who will appreciate it. For this reason, investing in producing quality content that people will understand is essential.

If your content matters to people, they will share it widely. With quality content, you’ll eventually draw a bigger audience.

8. Attract Top Talent

Affiliate content helps you appeal to potential clients and recruit top talent when hiring. If potential employees have seen quality content from your brand, they will likely think of you as a thought leader in the industry.

Job hunters who want to build a career that they’re proud of will also want to be associated with a brand that knows what it’s doing. With good content, you can convince these job hunters that you’re a trusted authority in the industry.

Ultimately, creating quality content will help you attract applicants who are invested in working for your brand.

Now that you know how a good content marketing strategy can benefit your brand, you can understand why you need to hire skilled content marketers. Most businesses opt to employ in-house content specialists. However, hiring a content marketing agency for short-term campaigns is also available.

Affiliate Content Marketing Agency vs. In-House Affiliate Content Marketers

Why would you go for an affiliate content marketing agency when you could hire your specialists full-time? While content marketing should be a continuous mission, some brands don’t have the budget to pay full-time affiliate marketers. This is especially the case for small brands.

Hiring full-time content marketing specialists who don’t do anything else can get expensive for a small brand. For this reason, brands trying to save money will opt to pay an affiliate content marketing agency instead. This agency can help them to implement specific content marketing strategies every few months. A good affiliate content marketing agency can even create enough filler content to tide you through a few months before you need to hire them again.

Aside from being more economical than an in-house team, an affiliate content marketing agency can offer your brand other advantages.

10 Reasons to Hire a Content Marketing Agency

1) Helps You Save Time and Money

Hiring an affiliate content marketing agency can help you save both the time and money you would spend on in-house affiliate marketing. We’ve already discussed why an in-house team can be expensive.

Beyond costing you a lot of money, hiring in-house affiliate content marketers can be time-consuming. For starters, think about when you would need to train your new hires. By the time these people understand your brand image and standards, you’ll have lost a lot of time you could’ve spent on something else.

This is not to say that an affiliate content marketing agency won’t need time to learn about your brand standards. On the contrary, they, too, need to be introduced to your brand. However, the people at affiliate content marketing agencies are used to a more fast-paced schedule and short turnaround times. For this reason, they’ll know exactly what information they need from you right from the get-go.

The experts at an agency will ask you for exactly what they need and nothing more. They won’t waste time obsessing over useless details and pick up on the necessary information much faster than your in-house content marketers.

2) Gives You Access to Experts

Hiring an affiliate content marketing agency will give you access to a team of experts who have worked with different brands across different industries. Most established agencies have been around for at least 2 to 3 years. In other words, they have a lot of valuable experience from which you can benefit.

Given their experience in the field, you can safely assume an affiliate marketing agency will have specialized knowledge about content marketing strategies. The agency’s content marketing experts will also understand what works for brands of different sizes. Working with an agency with a good track record guarantees quality results.

3) Equips You With a Variety of Strategies and Tactics

Since a content marketing agency hires specialists in different types of content, partnering with them will give you what you need to use other approaches. An efficient affiliate marketing agency can develop various strategies for your goals. You should expect this regardless of whether you’re trying to boost sales, improve your SEO, or improve your demand generation content marketing.

Any good content marketing agency should be able to adjust to your goals and hit the ground running. After all, an agency is backed by SEO experts, long-form content experts, and experts in visual content who should be able to understand your problem quickly. Beyond understanding your situation, they can suggest an actionable solution and action plan.

4) Helps You Be Consistent

Professional affiliate marketers will develop a comprehensive content marketing strategy for your brand. In a good affiliate marketing strategy, all the elements should fit together and complement one another. If you produce quality affiliate marketing content that aligns with your brand image, you also build a consistent brand image.

With a consistent brand image, your target audience will recognize your brand easily. Consistency also helps them to recall important aspects of your brand story.

5) Gives You Access to Professional Affiliate Content Marketing Tools

Content marketing tools can help you produce better affiliate content and generate better-quality leads faster. When you hire an affiliate content marketing agency, you’ll likely have access to some content marketing tools.

Moreover, an agency can offer you premium tools at a discounted rate or for free. A business subscription for these tools usually allows agencies to create client accounts. Since they typically have multiple clients at a time, they can afford to offer low subscription rates.

Beyond giving you access to discounted or free content marketing tools, an agency will train you on using them. This training can be helpful between sessions with the agency. Rather than let your platforms go silent, you can use these tools to keep producing content until it’s time to pay the agency again.

6) Helps You Develop a Customized Content Marketing Strategy

An affiliate content marketing agency will take time to understand your brand and business goals. By doing this, they can build a content marketing strategy that works for your brand in its current environment.

While you can also build your customized content marketing strategy, an agency is better positioned to do this. After all, an agency has most likely worked with several brands across different industries. Given this experience, they’ll better understand what works for a brand like yours.

7) Gives You the Tools and Knowledge to Evaluate Said Content Marketing Strategy

Evaluation is an essential part of affiliate marketing strategy. It would be best if you had specific tools and specialized knowledge to gauge the success of your content marketing efforts. You don’t need to struggle to get either with a content marketing agency.

The experts at an agency are skilled at every single stage of the content marketing cycle. From strategizing to content creation, distribution, and evaluation, you’ll work with people who know what they’re doing.

For this reason, measuring your success will be easy. When evaluating your strategy, a good agency can tell you how well it worked and whether you hit your goals. Moreover, an agency can help you adjust your strategy for better outcomes in the future.

8) Allows you flexibility

When you hire a content marketing agency, you also grant yourself flexibility with your content marketing. You don’t have to work with a content marketing agency full-time. Instead, you can hire their services for a specific number of months a year when you need additional support with your content marketing.

However, content marketing is a continuous effort, and it’s not advisable to churn content out for 2 to 3 months and then go quiet. Doing this is a recipe for disaster. After all, when you go silent, you’re no longer at the top of your mind among your target audience. By the time you get back online, people will have forgotten about you, and you’ll need to work much harder to capture their attention.

To avoid becoming redundant in your industry, you must discuss a plan for continuous content creation with your agency. They can help you create content that you can use when you won’t be hiring them. Alternatively, they can train you and your employees to create filler content for those months when you don’t need full-time support.

9) Allows You to Focus on Your Specialty

By outsourcing your content marketing, you can focus more on your strengths. Whether you need more time for product development, hiring top talent, or finding investors, a content marketing agency can free up that time.

When you focus on your strengths and outsource your content marketing to experts, you can perfect all the different aspects of your business. With experts handling everything, you can build a successful brand and stand out in your niche.

10) Gives You Peace of Mind

When you subcontract your content marketing to an agency, you can be confident that your brand image is in safe hands. Knowing this can give you peace of mind, which is valuable to a founder who sees their company as their baby.

Where to Find a Good Affiliate Content Marketing Agency

Now that you understand the benefits of outsourcing affiliate content marketing to an agency, you must wonder where to find these miracle workers.

Finding an affiliate content marketing agency with a good reputation that offers the services you need and fits within your budget is easier said than done. For this reason, we’ve developed a list of 20 content marketing agencies to review. We’ve also highlighted their specialty areas to make finding the best fit for your brand more accessible.

20 Content Marketing Agencies That Can Help You

Good at SEO

1) Different Digital

Different Digital content marketing agency

Different Digital specializes in premium content marketing for SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS brands. It emphasizes SEO consulting services, including technical audits, keyword research, topic clustering, and editorial planning. Different Digital also creates custom client content strategies and offers UX consulting, promotion, and distribution services.

Their clients include:

  • People Data Labs
  • Avochato
  • DODOcase
  • LeSportsac

2) Brainlabs

Brainlabs content marketing agency

Distilled built a legacy by mastering the art of search marketing. They merged with Brainlabs, one of the world’s most prominent digital marketing agencies. Born of this match is a digital marketing giant specializing in paid search, social, programmatic, SEO, and CRO. If you’re looking for best-in-class digital marketing focusing on SEO, you need to check Brainlabs out.

Their clients include:

  • Bed Bath & Beyond
  • Cloudflare
  • Godiva
  • Papa John’s
  • Chelsea Football Club
  • American Express

3) Volume Nine

Volume Nine content marketing agency

Volume Nine is a top digital marketing agency focusing on SEO, PPC, social media, and content. It can ensure that your target audience stumbles upon your brand during an online search and drives traffic to your brand from search engines.

Their clients include:

  • Helen of Troy
  • Bobo’s
  • Volkswagen
  • Backcountry
  • Vitamin World

4) Fractl

Fractl content marketing agency

Fractl specializes in building organic traffic to its clients’ sites. It uses technical SEO, site audits, and optimization strategies to help brands achieve first-page rankings on search engine results pages.

Their clients include:

  • Avvo
  • Discover
  • Porch
  • Indeed

5) Elephate

Elephate content marketing agency

This award-winning content marketing agency can help capture media attention and boost web traffic by creating valuable and shareable content. By making your content more beneficial to your target audience and Google algorithms, Elephate can boost your online visibility.

Their clients include:

  • Oponeo
  • Vox
  • Sizeer
  • Triverna

6) Siege Media

Siege Media content marketing agency

The Siege Media team analyzes search data to find potential opportunities for brands. They have experience working with enterprise brands to achieve growth strategies through SEO-driven content marketing. In addition to SEO, this content team is skilled at content creation, digital PR, and graphic design.

Their clients include:

  • Zillow
  • Shutterfly
  • Tripadvisor
  • Airbnb
  • Casper

Good at B2B content marketing

7) The Content Bureau

The Content Bureau content marketing agency

The Content Bureau has turned marketing communications for B2B brands into an art. Armed with a team of marketing, copywriting, editing, and design experts, the Bureau offers content marketing services to establish your brand as a thought leader and drive visitors to your website. They specialize in brand messaging, email marketing, web design, long-form content, and visual content.

Their clients include:

  • San Francisco Ballet
  • Unilever
  • Amyris Biotechnologies
  • Deloitte Consulting
  • 300FeetOut

8) Dear Content

Dear Content content marketing agency

The dedicated team at Dear Content is experienced in developing and implementing content marketing strategies that guide potential clients through your sales funnel. They’re experts at creating content strategies, writing content, and creating lead generation content.

Their clients include:

  • Shopify
  • Freepik
  • MichaelPage
  • iContainers
  • Krauthammer

9) Content Chemistry

Content Chemistry content marketing agency

Content Chemistry is a digital marketing agency and a HubSpot Gold Solutions Partner based in Sydney, Australia. They’ve worked with startups and small—to medium-sized businesses to generate leads and customers. They specialize in inbound marketing strategies and are passionate about helping brands create value-added content.

Their clients include:

  • Investa
  • Vive Group
  • Growth Mantra
  • Addison Partners
  • Karstens

10) Ironpaper

Ironpaper content marketing agency

Ironpaper is a B2B-focused content marketing agency that attracts, nurtures, and converts quality leads. The team at Ironpaper is committed to helping brands develop a content marketing strategy that improves the buyer journey. They’re skilled at producing content for campaigns, inbound marketing, ABM, and content that bridges the divide between marketing and sales.

Their clients include:

  • Shell Catalysts & Technologies
  • Goddard
  • Steelcase
  • Crossfit

11) Spark Media Solutions

Spark Media Solutions content marketing agency

Spark Media Solutions is a B2B content marketing agency that creates content that helps brands make a memorable impression. They specialize in SEO, social media content, lead generation, and influencer marketing.

Their clients include:

  • IBM
  • Microsoft
  • eBay
  • HP
  • Samsung

Good at SaaS content marketing

12) Web Profits

Web Profits content marketing agency

Web Profits is an established content marketing agency that has been helping challenger brands drive growth since 2006. It is an expert at creating and implementing bespoke solutions in UX design, digital strategy, paid acquisition, organic marketing, and marketing automation.

Their clients include:

  • Logitech
  • Aussie Broadband
  • LJ Hooker
  • Canon

13) Optimist

Optimist content marketing agency

Optimist is a full-service content marketing agency that drives business growth with startups and growth-stage companies. In addition to SaaS content marketing, they offer SEO services, startup content marketing, and B2B content marketing.

Their clients include:

  • Contentstack
  • FairShake
  • HelloSign
  • Neighbor
  • Submittable

Good at visual content

14) Digital Brew

Digital Brew content marketing agency

Digital Brew specializes in using video content marketing to convert leads into customers and retain those customers. By creating quality videos, you can stand out in your industry and win more clients for your brand.

Their clients include:

  • Huggies
  • Jetson
  • Cisco
  • 4Roots
  • Braintrust

15) Sage Content Marketing

Sage Content Marketing Agency

Sage Marketing’s content marketing expert can build you a website that looks good and ranks high in search engine results. She specializes in photography, video editing, copywriting, email marketing, and promotional products and has worked with several small businesses and established brands.

Her clients include:

  • Frontier Leadership Resources
  • RQ Horsemanship
  • Integrity Freight & Logistics
  • City of Brookfield

16) Infographic World (IGW)

Infographic World content marketing agency

Infographic World is a New York-based content marketing agency specializing in producing visual content such as infographics, animations, explainer videos, presentations, and interactive content. The agency can help your audience understand even the most complex information with this content.

Their clients include:

  • Blackhawk Network
  • Trend Micro
  • AMP Agency

17) Globant

Globant content marketing agency

The Globant team is skilled at helping brands develop a digital marketing strategy, create a brand position, and redefine their go-to-market strategy. They specialize in generating audience engagement through content strategy, creation, publishing, moderation, and optimization services. Given that they also offer culture management, artificial intelligence, and automation services, Globant might be a one-stop shop for all your business needs.

Their clients include:

  • American Express
  • Fox
  • Cabify
  • LinkedIn
  • Puma

Good at long-form content

18) Editor Group

Editor Group content marketing agency

Editor Group offers experience doing writing, editing, and proofreading services for businesses and governments alike. In addition, they specialize in indexing, writing training, and custom style guides. They’re also the Asia partner for Acrolinx, an AI-powered editor.

Their clients include:

  • Facebook Journalism Project
  • Verizon
  • AMGC
  • Cisco

19) Goodman Lantern

Goodman Lantern content marketing agency

With backgrounds in marketing, branding, and research, the team at Goodman Lantern is skilled at crafting written content that helps brands meet their goals. More specifically, they offer marketing content, e-commerce content, research content, and bespoke writing and editing services. They can help with the planning, execution, and distribution of this content.

Their clients include clients in these industries:

  • Fintech
  • Telecommunications
  • Health
  • BPO
  • Security
  • Events

20) Content Powered

Content Powered content marketing agency

Content Powered is a blog management and content marketing agency. They’re skilled at helping brands boost sales by creating valuable long-form content. In addition to managing your blog, they can increase your SEO, design eye-catching graphics for your brand, and help with web development. They’re also experts at using various content management software, including Shopify, WordPress, HubSpot, Medium, and Ghost.

Their clients include:

  • SaaS brands
  • Consultants
  • Travel agents

How to Choose the Best Affiliate Content Marketing Agency for Your Brand

As you can see, many options exist when looking for the perfect affiliate content marketing agency to help you meet your business goals. Partnering with agencies on this list can help you make a positive impression and stand out in your industry.

However, it can be hard to decide when faced with many choices. How does one choose a good affiliate content marketing agency? To make your final decision, you should ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do Their Prices Fit Within Your Budget?

Finding out if you can afford the affiliate content marketing agency you’ve chosen is an excellent place to start. A reasonable agency charges between $1,000 and $5,000 for monthly services.

However, those working with startups or offering one-off services would easily fit in a more modest budget. Look around and compare prices before you make a decision. After all, spending all your money on content creation wouldn’t make sense when you’re still in the middle of product development.

2. Does Their Specialization Align With Your Goals?

The best affiliate content marketing agency for your brand is the one that will help you achieve your goals. If you want to boost your SEO, then you need to hire an agency with SEO experts. Likewise, if you need help managing your blog to drive more people to it, you should hire an agency with experts in long-form content.

3. Do They Have a Good Track Record With Proven Results?

If the affiliate content marketing agency you want to work with isn’t able to show you work, they’ve done for clients in the past; this is a red flag. Sometimes, an agency isn’t free to share detailed information about clients to maintain confidentiality and client trust. Even so, they should be able to give you examples of the work they’ve done in the past. Beyond that, they should be able to talk about the results they generated and how they generated them.

4. Do They Have Experts in Different Areas of Content Marketing?

Partnering with an agency that offers a wide range of expertise is essential. This is especially the case if your content marketing goals are broad. The best agencies will have experts in long-form content and SEO gurus.

Whether you hire a content marketing agency or not will be one of the most defining decisions you can make for your brand. Handing your content marketing over to an external party can be nerve-wracking. After all, your business is your baby.

The good news is that the right team of content marketing experts can transform your brand image and drive clients to your business. Moreover, they will help you retain those clients when they arrive. In this way, a content marketing agency could be the best thing that happened to your brand.


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